0-day CogScience Exploit against Targeted Individuals

Prerequisites: https://twitter.com/FailDef/status/693347923459964928

Targeted Individuals seem to be over-layered with eg. common Terrorist Archetype Image from TV, that matches more or less the outfit of the Targeted Individual, so the Zombies um the common people help Satan to drive the Targeted Individual insane or at least psychotic.

The malware seems to be distributed like #Stuxnet (and we all know from the TV there was ONLY ONE Stuxnet EVER, since the Unit Cost after development would be 0$)

Calodox — Please don’t ♡ (t=2min28sek)

It seams to be without uplink to a Server, because with an uplink, the offender could be found easily. But you can also identify the offender from the fingerprint of the software (everybody has his own style) or from the fingerprint of the psychological moves, or on the mental/psychological code it is based on, or from the fingerprint of the language he uses.

The problem is, if they distribute the the malware at 08:00, and you buy a new jacket at 08:05 that does not match any jacket in their inventory of your cloths, and the malware takes an overlay that does not match, the Zombies um People are confused with the overlay. The system tries to suggest people only scenarios that could be true, otherwise the Zombis don’t believe the overlay and start asking questions, so the System (Credibility of the System has more weight => choosen plaintext attack???) disables the overlay. (that requires an back-channel, eg eeg pattern recognition, facial expressions recognition, gesture recognition…)

so my theory with n! or binomial(m;n) the bigger m/n, the less likely that the software can solve each case :P

Was die «doofen» Christen schon seit 2000 Jahren sagen: «Du sollst nicht (cyber-)lügen!»

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